What you need to know about EEO-1 Report.
The EEO-1 (Equal Employment Commission) report also known as employment information report and Standard form 100 form, is a form, certain employers must file out. It’s a kind of compliance survey, a company with more than a hundred employees required to file with the EEOC. The act, which is mandated by the federal regulation, requires the company to categorize the data by race, ethnicity, gender, and job category. This data basically consists of workforce data.
As the question always cloud the mind – who should file the EEO-1 report?
Here is the answer:
Every private firm with more than 100 employees must file an EEO-1 component 1 annual report.
If you are a federal contractor with an income of $50,000 or more annually, then you too, have to follow the regulation.
A federal contractor with 50 or more employees, too, has to file the EEO-1 report.
If you are controlled and affiliated by a company, and the total number of employees (including the affiliated and controlled company’s employee) surge above 99 in that case too, you are subject to file the report.
And the last one is if you act as an issuing and paying agent for U.S. saving bonds or serve as a depository of government funds.
How to collect your EEO-1 data?
While collecting the EEO-1 data for your company, one must incorporate the data from the “workforce snapshot period” which is any single pay period from October through December. Employers may also set discrete “workforce snapshot pay period” for 2019 & 2020.
What do you require to document when it comes to filing the EEO-1?
Employers have to report their Company IDs and passcode, issued via the U.S. Mail for previous filers. In case, you are registering for the first time then you will receive that at the time of registration.
You also have to mention your company EIN (Employer Identification Number), NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) code, and DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) number.
You have to disclose the address and EINs of all the firms and business locations.
Must account for the job category of all employees including their sex and ethnicity.
Have you ever weighed upon what EEOC does with your report?
The data EEOC gathered through the EEO-1 Report is put to use to back and support civil rights laws, similar to “The Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964”.
They used the statistics to analyze the numbers of women and minority workers in an organization, industry, or region. So, they can have a picture of how the industry or organization presents the outnumbered groups in their workplace.
And here are some key details.
The deadline for submitting the EEO-1 Component 1 report for 2019 & 2020 has been extended to August 23, 2021.
Employers must include the employee who teleworks, in the report.
While determining the employees who must opt-in or opt-out, employers have to take in the only employee, who is on the payroll during the “workforce snapshot period”.